91st Toronto Group badge

91st Toronto Scout Group


91st Toronto Apple Day

Apple Day is our annual Fundraiser where the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts canvas for donations from the community and give out apples as a Thank You for their help allowing us to have Great Adventures.

Our Apple Day Fundraiser can only be a success with help from our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.

Thank you for agreeing to help with Apple Day on Saturday October 19.

We will be canvassing at No Frills at Coxwell and Gerrard, as well as around the Coxwell/Eastwood Intersection and along Coxwell.

Please plan to arrive just prior to the start of your shift. A 91st Toronto Scouter will be at the parking lot behind No Frills off Gainsborough Rd to sign the youth member in, provide a donation bottle and a supply of apples.

Shifts are 1 hours and we are asking the youth member try to help out at least 2 shifts.

Check here to sign up for available shifts. We are looking for up to 8 Youth for each time slot so that we are covered throughout the day.

If you would like to make any changes to the times that you have signed up please email christmastrees@91sttoronto.com



No Frills at Coxwell and Gerrard
Time Volunteers
9:00 amJack Bramm, Wyatt,
10:00 amMyles DeHaan, Alex Dera, Jack Bramm, Wyatt, Ashton Bannon,
11:00 amMax Welmers & Sarah Baumann, Stepan Turko, Alex Dera,
12:00 pmKabir Carpenter, Nathan Richards, Edward Orlando,
1:00 pmKabir Carpenter, Nathan Richards, Rafe Evans, Rowan, Forrest MacKay, Edward Orlando,
2:00 pmForrest MacKay, Rafe Evans, Rowan, Allyn Clarke,