Jungle Opening and Closing
At the 91st, we use the Jungle Opening and Closing ceremonies. These ceremonies incorporate the Grand Howl in a Jungle theme based on the Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling.
The leader calls: "Look well old wolves, look well"
Cubs Howl and form a circle around the wolf head.
The leader says:
Now this is the law of the jungle
As old and as true as the sky.
And the wolf that doth keep it shall prosper,
But the wolf that doth break it must die
Cubs answer with the Cub Law:
The Cub respects the old wolf,
The Cub respects himself
As the dawn was breaking, the wolf pack howled
Once, twice, again
Feet in the jungle that leave no mark
No mark
Eyes that see in the dark
In the dark
The leader says "Tongue, give it tongue to it, hark, O hark" and points to a sixer or second to lead the Grand Howl.
The Grand Howl proceeds as follows:
The sixer or second says "Akela, we’ll do our best. We'll DYB, DYB, DYB" drawing the words out like a wolf howl. The rest of the Cubs join in with "We'll DOB, DOB, DOB" making it sound like short sharp barks.
DYB (pronounced "dib") means Do Your Best, and We'll DOB, DOB, DOB, DOB means we'll Do Our Best
Leader calls "Pack! Pack, Pack, Pack!" The Cubs call "PAAAAAAK!" while running to form a circle around the wolf head.
{mosimage} The leader then recites:
Because of his age and his cunning,
Because of his gripe and his paw,
In all that the law leaveth open,
The Word of the old wolf is law.
The Cubs reply with the law:
The Cub respects the old wolf,
The Cub respects himself
The ceremony continues similar to the opening:
As the dawn was breaking, the wolf pack howled
Once, twice, again
Feet in the jungle that leave no mark
No mark
Eyes that see in the dark
In the dark
The leader says "Tongue, give it tongue to it, hark, O hark" and points to a sixer or second to lead the Grand Howl.
The Grand Howl proceeds as follows:
The sixer or second says "Akela, we’ll do our best. We'll DYB, DYB, DYB" drawing the words out like a wolf howl. The rest of the Cubs join in with "We'll DOB, DOB, DOB" making it sound like short sharp barks.
After the Grand Howl, the leader continues with:
There is none like me says the Cub,
in the pride of his earliest kill.
But the jungle is large, and the Cub he is small;
let him think and be Still.
The all members of the pack salute horizontally into the centre of the circle and say:
Wood and Water,
Wind and Tree,
Wisdom, Strength and Courtesy.
Jungle Favour go with thee,
Good night & Good Hunting.